Author Katie Peates, RVN, BSc (Hons), DipHE, CVN, DipAVN (SA)
ABSTRACT The author carried out a literature review to analyse research into packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusions and associated reactions, with the aim of updating practice protocols on the safe handling, storage and administration of PRBCs to patients. The information examined how RVNs can assist in reducing the risk of transfusion reactions by keeping up to date with current research. In this article, the author reviews three key causes of blood-transfusion reactions (blood typing and cross-matching, storage and handling, and storage lesion), with the intention of increasing awareness among RVNs so they can prioritise and implement care that optimises patient wellbeing.
Keywords blood transfusion, packed red blood cells, cross-matching, storage lesion, erythrocyte antigens, transfusion medicine
To cite this article: VNJ Volume 37 (4) September 2022 pp40-47
DOI: 10.56496/FLJE9658
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