ABSTRACT: For years many small animal practices have strived to be “cat friendly”. Nowadays, rabbit owners expect and deserve the same standards of care for their rabbits, and with more and more rabbits being presented to veterinary practice we should be applying the same principles for our rabbit patients. Being rabbit-friendly has benefits for the patient, owner and practice. The Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund (RWAF) run a rabbit-friendly practice scheme which practices can apply to join.
Claire Speight Registered Veterinary Nurse, A1, C&G cert in Veterinary Nursing of Exotic Species
Claire qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2007 and gained the C&G Certificate in Nursing Exotics in 2009. Claire works as the Head Nurse at Kettering Vets4Pets, and lectures to veterinary nurses and owners on rabbit care. She is also editor of the Rabbit Welfare Association’s magazine, Rabbiting On.
Email: Claire.speight@vets4pets.com
Keywords: analgesia; companions; rabbit; stress
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 33 (06) • June 2018 pp179-183
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