ABSTRACT: This article will explore chronic renal disease in rabbits. Renal insults can be acute or chronic and can pose life threatening disease and diminished quality of life to our rabbit companions. As Veterinary Nurses it is vital we understand and recognise symptoms of disease in a variety of species so that species specific care can be employed to ensure optimum patient care and owner compliance.
Rachel Sibbald RVN C&G Cert VNES, BSAVA Merit Award (Exotics)
Rachel is a Registered Veterinary Nurse practicing in general practice in Edinburgh. She achieved the City and Guilds certificate in nursing of exotic species and has a keen interest in rabbit anaesthesia and nursing. She writes quarterly for the Rabbit Welfare Association and is currently studying towards an NCert (Anaesthesia) and the RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing.
Email: rachel.sibbald@abercornvets.co.uk
Keywords: azotaemia; chronic; kidneys; rabbits; renal
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 35 (05) • May 2020 pp124-126
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