ABSTRACT: Pain management involves considering pain, recognising pain, and managing pain. Part One looked at assessment and recognition of pain. This discussed the physiological and behavioural signs that can indicate pain in rabbits. Part Two looked at managing pain in the hospitalised rabbit. Analgesic options are discussed to cover all aspects of the pain pathway. Dose ranges for constant rate infusions are available. Local anaesthesia and analgesia techniques are discussed. Part Three (this article) will look at managing the chronic pain rabbit at home, including a case study.
Aneesa Malik MSC RVN Cert VNES Cert VNECC
Aneesa has worked in first opinion, charity, emergency, referral, exotics, and with some species of British wildlife. Her interests and learning aims within nursing is veterinary ethics and welfare. Specifically her focus is the emergency and critical patient, the wildlife and exotic patient, animal pain, and the end of life patient. Email: aneesa.rvn@gmail.com
Keywords: rabbit pain; pain assessment; rabbit pain recognition
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 36 •(05) May 2021 pp162-168
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