ABSTRACT: This literature review investigates the use of peripheral intravenous catheters in veterinary hospitals and their associated nursing care. Literature has been evaluated and critiqued to obtain the most relevant and reliable sources to inform the reader of the most current, up-to-date findings. Appropriate articles and books have been analysed, omitting unreliable sources to increase the reliability and accuracy of the information included.
Jess Ashby FdSc, RVN
Jess qualified as an RVN this summer in 2016, achieving a foundation degree with a distinction, after studying at the Royal Veterinary College. Jess started working as a locum veterinary nurse with the aim of sharing ideas among fellow RVNs and to gain more experience working with a variety of independent as well as corporate practices. Jess is currently working as a locum RVN for Medivet. Email: jessashby22@hotmail.co.uk
Keywords: Clinical, Catheter care
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 32 (02) • February 2017 pp32-36
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