ABSTRACT: Canine parvovirus can pose a serious threat to life in all individuals from the young to old. The speed at which the virus replicates and destroys infected cells corresponds to a rapid onset of clinical signs and patient deterioration. In order to maximize the chances of survival, rapid implementation of intensive treatment, particularly supportive nursing, is vital, as most of these patients will be severely debilitated.
Blaise Scott-Morris BVSc MRCVS
Blaise qualified from Bristol in 2011. For 3½ years she worked in small animal practice for both independent and corporate practices, where she developed a keen interest in client communication and practice profitability. In October 2014, Blaise joined Virbac as a Veterinary Advisor, providing technical support and training, both internally and externally, and participating in pharmacovigilance. Email: blaise.scott-morris@virbac.co.uk
Dawn Walker RVN
Dawn joined Grove Veterinary Centre in 2003 and completed her training as a Registered Veterinary Nurse in August 2006. In 2011, she assumed additional responsibilities for insurance claims, a role that involves both helping with client queries, and acting as an intermediary between the client and insurance company. She has four Staffordshire Bull Terriers: Flash who is 13, Balboa, 4 and Apollo and Zeus who she hand-reared from just 7 days old, and are now 3½ years old. Email: clinical@grovevets.com
Keywords: Clinical, BVNA news
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 31 (01) • January 2016 pp
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