Author: Danielle Barnett, RVN FdSc, CertVNECC, APVN Avian, Wildlife, Reptile and Amphibian, ISFM CertFN
Abstract: Pregnant and breastfeeding employees in the veterinary sector face a unique set of hazards. Not only do we have to deal with stressful situations on a daily basis in our client-facing role, we also have to manage our exposure to ionising radiation, zoonotic diseases, cytotoxic medications and heavy lifting.
Reviewing the current published guidance can assist both employers and employees to make the right choices for themselves and their workplace, both during pregnancy and when the time comes for new mothers to return to work
Keywords: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, maternity, risk assessment
To cite this article: Pregnancy and breastfeeding at work (2022) Barnett, D. VNJ, 2022. 37(6) pp 5-9
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