ABSTRACT: The Confidential Enquiry into Perioperative Equine Fatalities (CEPEF 1-3] identified certain risk factors for equine patients undergoing general anaesthetic (GA). There have since been significant changes made to equine anaesthetic practice which has prompted a further study CEPEF 4. Although anaesthetic protocols have advanced since the first study, the mortality rates for horses undergoing elective procedures has remained at 0.9%. The RVN can be essential in implementing safety protocols by introducing recovery techniques, surgical safety checklists, stringent monitoring techniques and ensuring that knowledge of CRIS is adopted and implemented.
Marie Rippingale BSc (Hons), REVN, G-SQP, DipHE CVN, DipAVN (Equine), IQA
Marie obtained a First Class Honours Degree in Equine Sports Science in 2005. She started working in clinical equine practice in 2003 and qualified as a Registered Equine Veterinary Nurse (REVN) with merit in 2007. In 2012, Marie completed the Diploma in Higher Education Clinical Veterinary Nursing (DipHE CVN) and obtained the RCVS Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing (Dip AVN) in equine context, with distinction. She has been lecturing on the Veterinary Nursing Diploma course since 2010, at Bottle Green Training Ltd. Marie has an interest in the welfare working equids abroad and has twice worked as a volunteer at The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust (GHDT) in Africa. Marie’s special interests include foal nursing, bandaging, anaesthesia and intravenous catheter care.
Email: mariediddles@gmail.com
Keywords: general anaesthetic; anaesthetic risk; fatalities; equine; safety protocols
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 35 (01) • January 2020 pp13-15
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