ABSTRACT: This article will look at the short-term surgical management of a cat with a cat bite abscess (CBA), requiring surgical debridement of the wound and drain placement. Planning is an important skill in surgical nursing which can reduce anaesthetic duration and lead to improved surgical outcome. Extensive preparation was required in this case, including solutions for skin scrub and lavage along with equipment for surgery and anaesthesia. Lavage is explored including the use of isotonic solutions, pressures and technique. Hartmann’s is recommended for wound lavage with the use of a 20 ml syringe and an 18-19-gauge needle. Chlorhexidine solutions should be used with caution. Postoperatively patients with drains should have sterile absorbent dressings and Elizabethan collars to prevent ascending infection and premature drain removal. However, neither were possible in this case due to the position of the wound and management with T-shirts were necessary.
Susie Wilson RVN CertSAN
Susie qualified as a nurse in 2006 and has worked in small animal and mixed practice. She has worked in a hospital and referral clinic and currently works for Vets4Pets Evesham. Susie is currently working towards her Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing with Harper Adams University Email: susiejwilson@hotmail.co.uk
Keywords: cat; abscess; surgical; lavage; debridement
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 34 (03) • March 2019 pp65-68
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