Volunteering comes in all types and forms. Every positive contribution you can make to the world matters and sometimes there are chances to make a real significant difference which you may not be aware of or may not think you are suitable for. One of these opportunities is to be part of the British Veterinary Nursing Association Council.
I initially saw the elections opening for nominations in the Veterinary Nursing Journal whilst scrambling away trying to find references for my latest essay. And I ignored it. I had study to do! A few late nights with my best friend Microsoft Word, I had to go back to the Veterinary Nursing Journal to check a reference and I came across the advert again. I pondered and played with the idea of running for a position but was greeted with a flood of worries from my beloved (but sometimes negative) brain: “What could I add? I am just a student and have no experience”, “There are way better people than me. Who would even vote for me?”, “I don’t have the time!”.
Fast forward and I am now on the BVNA Council representing students and doing one of the most rewarding roles I have ever had. So, if you have even had a fleeting thought about it and have had your brain blast you with a similar barrage of thoughts I had, then read on and discover whether the worries are holding you back.
What could I add? I am just a student and have no experience
Lots! Not sure if you have the memo, but the word “just” has been unofficially banned from veterinary nursing! You are a student who has first-hand day to day experience on what it is like to be a student. There is no one better to impart information about students than the students themselves. All those things that you wish would change? Well, you could help that happen.
There are people way better than me. Who would vote for me?
These are insecurities talking. They keep a lot of us veterinary nurse’s company, especially when we don’t want them to. It is the passion and interest that we need from people. If you are still reading this article, then you are already showing the interest and pro-activeness which are key parts of the role, just by sparing some time in your busy schedule to find out more. The great thing about these elections is that it is BVNA members electing BVNA members. Whilst that can seem a bit daunting, it is what makes the whole process rather wonderful with an opportunity for everyone. And even if you don’t win, you will have put yourself out there, which is pretty awesome.
“I won’t have the time”
Yes, you will be required to spend time outside of your studies to help. However, if that time is super rewarding and you can be part of positive change- is that not worth it? I personally always seemed to find the time for copious amounts of chocolate whilst indulging in a Netflix box set binge. So, have just replaced some of that time with feel good time on the Council. Plus, you will be welcomed into the BVNA Council family. You will have the warm embrace of new friends who will be supporting you all the time, telling you what a great job you are doing and helping in any which way they can (they are basically talented help ninjas).
This voluntary role has really expanded my knowledge, confidence, and abilities within the veterinary profession. Who knows, maybe, next year, it could be you writing an article for Student Volunteering Week as a BVNA Student Council Member.
Jade Brindley