BVNA Congress
24 January 2022
Special events and super-early tickets on sale from today for BVNA Congress 2022!

BVNA Congress 2022 takes place in Telford International Centre from Friday, 7th October to Sunday, 9th October. Tickets go on sale today with a super-early option for in person and remote delegates which include access to new features and special events running alongside the main Congress Scientific Programme – see the Programme Preview.
Building on the success of the hybrid Congress we delivered in 2021, this year we are streaming all live lectures and special events to remote delegates, resulting in a more inclusive and accessible three-day event for veterinary nurses in the UK and the rest of the world.
The Scientific Programme of lectures includes Rehabilitation; Wildlife, Zoo and Exotics; Emergency & Critical Care; Equine; Wound Management; Behaviour; Advanced Nursing; Infection Control, and more.
The special events running alongside are:
- Veterinary Nurse Leadership Summit – one day
- Student Veterinary Nurse Symposium – one day
- VN Educators Conference – one day
- Nursing the Feline Patient – half day
- Caring for the Geriatric Patient – half day
- Applied Nutrition – one day
- Anaesthesia & Analgesia – one day
BVNA President, Alex Taylor says…

“BVNA Congress 2022 is going to be a fantastic event, as there’s something for everyone. The scientific programme is packed full of a variety of interesting and thought-provoking lectures, which will not only be available for our in-person delegates, but also remote delegates too. It will come as no surprise that I am particularly looking forward to the feline stream, so if you have a keen interest in feline nursing then you should definitely attend this year’s BVNA Congress!
As well as lectures we will be hosting a series of fringe events, where will be discussing matters that are important to the veterinary nursing profession, so the more delegates who attend these events the better – your voice needs to be heard. For those of you want something more practical, there will be a series of workshops too, so watch this space.
We will be presenting the BVNA bursaries and BVNA awards at Congress, which is always such a pleasure as we know how much they mean to our members. Don’t forget to look out for them in the coming months if you would like to apply for a bursary or nominate someone for an award.
As always there will an exhibition and of course the famous dinner dance event, which is a lot of fun. This year’s theme will be ‘Feline fabulous with Cattitude’ so get ready to strut your stuff and show us your best kitty moves at the cat-themed ball!”