Each year at BVNA Congress during our Research Bites competition, we showcase research projects and case studies submitted by student and registered veterinary nurses. Candidates are able to present their work via posters and optional short presentations.

The event is designed to provide a friendly and constructive platform for those who may be newer to public speaking. It is a fantastic opportunity to develop presenting skills, whilst discussing and sharing best nursing practice, and increasing the evidence base available to the profession.

This year, we were delighted to host the following research project presentations and posters:

Ellis Stokes – Are routine pre-operative haematology and biochemistry tests justified in healthy feline patients?

Megan Rice – Clinical coaching from the perspective of student veterinary nurses

Isobel Hunt – An investigation into veterinary practice support for owners of felines diagnosed with chronic renal failure

Britanie Raybould – A comparison of the biofilm inhibitory action of commercial and novel nutraceutical extracts used for canine dental prophylaxis: in vitro

Mary Phillips – An investigation into the prevalence of imposter syndrome in UK registered veterinary nurses and its impact on stress and retention

Molly Down – Attitude and compliance of veterinary nurses towards anaesthetic safety checklists

Catriona Hendry – Male minority: A qualitative study into their experiences within the veterinary nursing profession

The presentation session culminated in the awarding of prizes for Best Presentation and Best Poster; these were awarded as follows:

Best Presentation – Megan Rice

Best Poster – Molly Down

Special commendation – Ellis Stokes

Research Bites award winners: Megan Rice (top) and Molly Down

BVNA Learning and Development Manager, Charlotte Bullard, said: “We would like to thank all the candidates who submitted abstracts to us for presentation at BVNA Congress this year, and congratulate our prize winners. Once again, our submissions were of a truly fantastic standard, and BVNA are delighted to incorporate this competition as part of our Congress each year, to support veterinary nurses who continue to contribute towards the evidence base for the profession. We would encourage and welcome any veterinary nurse who is either undertaking research, or has provided nursing care to a particularly noteworthy case in practice, to showcase their work with us in 2024.”

The abstract submissions will be published in the VNJ over the coming months. More details regarding Research Bites 2024 will be available early in the new year, but if you have any questions regarding the competition in the meantime, please feel free to contact charlotte@bvna.co.uk for more details.