In support of BVNA’s ongoing Protect the Title campaign, BVNA are hosting an online panel discussion titled ‘Protect the Title – what does it mean to you?’. Join us on Wednesday 16th November at 8pm to learn more about the campaign and progress made to date.
Registered veterinary nurses (RVNs) are trained, highly skilled and dedicated professionals. However, the title ‘veterinary nurse’ is currently not protected by law. This means that anyone (regardless of any training or experience) can call themselves a veterinary nurse. We believe this needs to change.
BVNA are supported in our ‘Protect the Title’ campaign by the British Veterinary Association (BVA) and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS).
During this online panel discussion, you will be able to learn more about the campaign; gaining insight into the progress the veterinary profession has made so far, and the process of legislative change. You’ll also be able to ask questions to our panel of speakers. The session will be available via Zoom and Facebook Live.
- Charlotte Pace RVN (BVNA President)
- Alex Taylor RVN (BVNA Senior Vice President)
- Craig Tessyman RVN (BVNA Honorary Secretary)
- Anna Judson MRCVS (BVA Junior-Vice President)
- Matthew Rendle RVN (RCVS VN Council Chair)
Find out more information and register for this online event here.
Please remember that the Protect the Title survey is open until 30th November 2022, don’t miss the opportunity to have your say! Find out more here: http://bvna.org.uk/blog/bvna-launch-protect-the-title-survey-to-the-veterinary-profession-and-public/