In one day, you can use just 10 minutes of your time to give back to the veterinary industry or to do something positive for a charity within your community (even globally!) – These bite sized moments make up Microvolunteer Day, which is celebrated on Wednesday the 15th of April.

Why microvolunteer?

Microvolunteer Day raises awareness on how together, we can all share a small amount of our time to make a big impact within society. Microvolunteering is easy, non-committal and is usually done from the comfort of your own home using your smartphone (imagine being able to make a difference without getting up from the couch!) with those few spare minutes in your day.

Veterinary Nurses as Microvolunteers

With the demands of busy work schedules, studying and reading, running households and families, microvolunteering is a flexible way to make a difference; in the industry, as an animal advocate, and as a trusted peer in the community using short and effective bursts.

You can even help us at the BVNA! We are looking to create a microvolunteer community because it’s easier for busy veterinary nurses to find short spaces of time to support the BVNA using social media – it’s quick and easy, and all online and digital!

You can help us during Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month (VNAM) this May. We need you to spread the word through social media posts by liking and sharing about the role of veterinary nurses. We will also be looking for more microvolunteers for future projects. To get involved, send us an email to to find out more!

Other ways to become a microvolunteer:

  • Help the RSPCA to complete online surveys, share campaign petitions, and share animal welfare posts on social media.
  • Support Hearing Dogs UK by crafting buntings for community events, sign up to help fundraise for appeal events, and sharing their profile on social media.
  • Become a Zooniverse volunteer and record things like the location of a comet, how many penguins have been spotted in remote areas, and even fight antibiotic resistance through the Bash the Bug initiative.
  • The British Trust for Ornithology runs a Garden BirdWatch where you can provide information on what type of wildlife are visiting the gardens of the UK – remember our January article on why bird watching and counting is important!
  • Countryside Surveys looks at more than wildlife – they need data that is specific to your area on climate, air quality and the types of plants growing there too.
  • The Be My Eyes app connects you to a blind person who may need your help to read this, in real time, as they need it!
  • Cause Corps is a platform that is partnered with many organisations where you can “paint, write, knit, plant and teach” for those in your – from penpals to postcards and colouring-in sheets to canvas painting.
  • With summer coming, you can even pick up litter at the beach or the park through the #2minutebeachclean campaign.
  • Help around the world through United Nations Volunteers by doing outreach posts, project development, teaching and training and organising communities.

With a lot of people having a bit more time on their hands, it is easy to get involved! Don’t forget to touch with us at the BVNA to microvolunteer for us, or give some of our suggestions a go.