RCVS VN Council has formed a task force to tackle the issue of student veterinary nurses not being able to take their final practical exams and join the Register due to the government imposed social distancing measures that are currently in place to help reduce the spread of Covid-19.
BVNA have heard from many student veterinary nurses about their frustrations concerning this issue so we are pleased the RCVS is being pro-active to find a possible alternative route to overcome the problem.
The task force is a small, fluid and dynamic group primarily made up of non-veterinary educationalists. The RCVS will update BVNA as the task force progresses.
If you have an idea of how the practical assessments could be undertaken safely whilst adhering to the current government advise, please email vetnursing@rcvs.org.uk.
To read the full statement by RCVS go here.