The British Veterinary Association and the British Small Animal Veterinary Association have endorsed Guinea Pig Awareness Week, led by Burgess Pet Care and supported by the RSPCA, PDSA, Blue Cross and Wood Green animal charities.
The idea behind the campaign is to educate owners on how to look after their pet Guinea Pigs by sharing some top tips.
GPAW will focus on the five animal welfare needs: diet, environment, behaviour, companionship and health. To follow the campaign, Burgess Pet care have set up a Facebook page where they will share videos, guidance notes and interesting facts about Guinea Pigs.
“I’m a Regional Representative for the British Veterinary Nursing Association and I love Guinea Pigs and take care of Rodney, Cassie and Rox with all the love and attention I can give them. I’m extremely passionate about the welfare of Guinea Pigs and understand the importance of providing the correct diet, safe housing and social interaction to help them have a healthy and happy life.
As RVN’s, we can be involved by sharing the posts on the Facebook page with our colleagues, friends and family.
Last year, RVN Olivia Coulton took the initiative to host a Guinea Pig awareness campaign at Wendover Heights Veterinary Centre in Buckinghamshire in order to boost understanding, and enhance the care of these often misunderstood creatures. The aim of the campaign was to encourage and educate pet owners on how to look after their pet Guinea Pigs.
She said: ”The event went really well…Owners loved it… Some enjoyed it so much that they brought more than two guinea pigs along. Others said how they thought it was a fantastic idea and they learned a lot from the week!”
Join me in my passion and support GPAW!”
Kim Rathbone