After watching this Ferocious Fleas webinar, you should be able to:
- Discuss the different problems that fleas can cause in pets
- Describe the flea life cycle and understand the term ‘Pupal Window Effect’
- Provide advice for owners about how to treat and prevent flea infestations
Presenter; Sally Edis-Bates MRCVS and Brand Technical Adviser at Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health UK Ltd

Register for our other webinars in the Parasite Webinar Series here.
Terrible Ticks – Thursday, 20 May 2021, 19:30 – After watching this webinar, you should be able to discuss the key diseases that ticks can transmit to animals and humans, describe the tick life cycle and understand how ticks transmit disease and assess which pets are at risk of ticks and provide advice for owners about tick control.
Rotten Roundworms – Thursday, 3 June 2021, 19:30 – After watching this webinar, you should be able to discuss the impact that roundworms can have on human health and their prevalence in the environment, describe the roundworm life cycle and provide advice for owners about treatment frequency and how environmental risk can be reduced.
Treacherous Tapeworms – Thursday, 17 June 2021, 19:30 – After watching this webinar, you should be able to name the key tapeworms in the UK and Ireland and discuss their impact on both animals and humans, describe the tapeworm life cycle and be able to name the intermediate hosts for each of the key tapeworms and assess which pets are at risk of tapeworm and provide advice for owners about tapeworm control.
Lethal Lungworms – Thursday, 1 July 2021, 19:30 – After watching this webinar, you should be able to discuss the clinical signs seen in dogs as a result of lungworm disease, describe the lungworm life cycle and explain how slugs and snails can transmit lungworm to dogs and assess which pets are at risk of lungworm and provide advice for owners about treatment frequency.
Monstrous Mites – Thursday, 15 July 2021, 19:30 – After watching this webinar, you should be able to name the key mites seen in dogs and cats and discuss the problems they cause, describe the mite life cycle and provide advice for owners about how to treat mite infestations.
Control Considerations – Thursday, 29 July 2021, 19:30 – After watching this webinar, you should be able to discuss the factors to consider when choosing a parasite treatment for a particular pet and assess the pet’s parasite risk to determine how frequently parasite treatment is required.