Blog type

BVNA celebrates diamond 60th anniversary since association launch

SPVS Congress 2025: 3 Unmissable Sessions

BVNA responds to new RCVS workforce model

BVNA releases guidance on ‘Maximising the RVN role under current legislation’

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week Special

BVNA releases collaborative veterinary nursing ‘Behaviour Hub’

BVNA President Lyndsay Hughes commences second term, heading into Association’s 60th year in 2025

RCVS News: Updated standards framework for veterinary nurse training published

The Cat Group Position Statement on ‘Bully’ and ‘Dwelf’ Cats

BVNA publishes response to RCVS ‘Good Governance’ consultation

How does RCVS governance affect me?

“Cool first, transport second” – Recognising and responding to heatstroke in our pets

BVNA responds to Competition and Markets Authority announcement to launch market investigation of veterinary sector

BVNA presses for overhaul of Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 in response to announcement of General Election

VNs won’t want to miss this: Last chance to book for VOACON 2024 – the Veterinary Osteoarthritis Congress!

CVS launches Level 5 Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing (Emergency and Critical Care)