One of the key roles of BVNA’s Regional Representatives is to spread the word about veterinary nursing amongst their local communities. Here, they will raise awareness of the profession and the BVNA, plus encourage young people to consider veterinary nursing as a career path.

Carly Kilby RVN, BVNA Regional Representative for the South West (Somerset and Gloucestershire) recently hosted a Beaver Scout Group for a visit to her local practice:

“I’m a Scout Leader, and this involves having regular contact with young people between the ages of 10-14. Their enthusiasm for life is infectious and this makes my volunteer role enjoyable and easy because I’m just hanging out with like-minded young people.

Along with enthusiasm for life comes curiosity. As children grow older, their thirst for knowledge increases, and in turn, creates imaginative meetings and badge completion.

This curiosity starts at a young age, and this is where Beaver Scouts comes in. From the age of 6-8 years, these children start to develop practical skills and gain knowledge about the world around them.

In steps – the Scout Leading Veterinary Nurse! Beaver Scouts have a list of criteria to complete their Animal Friend Activity Badge. This includes knowing how to look after a creature, providing them with their specific needs and sharing their knowledge with the rest of the group.

One evening in October, I had my village Beaver Scouts visit my local practice where I gave them a tour and blew their minds with information on the role of the veterinary nurse. Each room came with an activity, questions and answers and information about what their pet will experience when they visit the vets.

From using a stethoscope to listen to their friend’s heartbeat, looking at film x-rays, bandaging and operating – these Beaver Scouts had a trip to the vets they’ll never forget!

And I may have gained future veterinary nurses!”

For information about CPD in your area organised by our Regional Representatives, visit our Events page here;

To be put in touch with your local Regional Representative, or if you may be interested in the role yourself, please contact;

Please note, all photographs are shared with parents’ kind permission.