Veterinary surgeons and Registered Veterinary Nurses with a passion for mental health are invited to apply to become a Vetlife trustee. Vetlife is the charity that supports the veterinary community through the provision of Vetlife Helpline, Vetlife Health Support and Vetlife Financial Support.
Vetlife is independent of all other veterinary organisations and is managed by a Board of 12 elected trustees. The charity employs a small number of staff, and trustees are frequently asked to undertake operational as well as strategic work. The role therefore demands a substantial time commitment including attendance at 4 board meetings each year. Trustees are also ambassadors for Vetlife and represent the charity at events within the UK Veterinary community.
Speaking about the role, Vetlife trustee Jo Oakden, said:
‘Becoming a Vetlife trustee has significantly increased my awareness of the incredible work this charity does. I feel honoured to be able to have a role as part of the board helping to ensure the sustainability and longevity of the charity to continue to support fellow professionals when they need it most.
It has been a rewarding and humbling experience – highlighting the many challenges faced, but being able to be part of something that can work towards supporting individuals to overcome those challenges.
The board is an incredibly passionate and compassionate group of individuals, all with aligned values to make a positive difference to those who need support.’
Candidates must be a veterinary surgeon or RVN, a Vetlife member (also known as a Friend of Vetlife), reside in the UK, and possess a good working knowledge of the profession. Those wishing to stand who are not an existing Vetlife member will be required to become one before applying. Applications must be received by 5pm 18 May 2023, and interviews will be held remotely on 14th June 2023. Successful candidates will be officially appointed at the Vetlife Annual General Meeting to be held in London on 7th September 2023.
Active membership of, or participation in professional disciplinary bodies such as RCVS Preliminary Investigation or Disciplinary Committees will be considered a disqualifying conflict of interest.
By putting forward their names, candidates will be deemed to be declaring that they are a ‘fit & proper person’ as defined in H M Revenue & Customs guidance.
Any trustee appointed will be required to undertake a standard level Disclosure & Barring Service check and complete safeguarding training upon appointment.
Vetlife recognises the positive value of diversity and welcomes applications from all sectors of the profession and all sections of society. We would particularly welcome applications from under-represented groups within the veterinary sector.
Apply today
Login to the membership area of the Vetlife website to apply.
If you wish to discuss the role requirements, or have any questions please contact info@vetlife.org.uk