At BVNA, we will be taking time to consider and fully respond to the Competition and Market Authority (CMA) working papers, published today (Thursday 6th February 2025).
The working papers, available here, set out the CMA’s current assessment of the evidence it has gathered and its emerging views. These are on the following topics:
- Overview (PDF, 269KB)
- How people purchase veterinary services (PDF, 1.4MB)
- Business models, provision of veterinary advice and consumer choice (PDF, 1.1MB)
- Competition in the supply of veterinary medicines (PDF, 928KB)
- Regulatory framework for veterinary professionals and veterinary services (PDF, 1MB)
- Analysis of local competition (PDF, 759KB)
The veterinary nursing profession should note that, within its overview paper, the CMA states “We have been hugely impressed by the dedication and commitment to pet owners and their animals shown by individual vets and vet nurses. While we are interested to explore the pressures faced by vets as employees and owners of businesses, nothing in our work should be taken to cast doubt on the professionalism, clinical skills or ethics of the vast majority of individual veterinary practitioners.”
As a main party within the CMA investigation, BVNA looks forward to continuing to ensure the voice of the veterinary nursing profession is represented within this work.
Any interested parties are invited to respond to the working papers, with a deadline for submission of 5pm 27th February 2025. Instructions for responding can be found within CMA’s Overview Document.