Diversity, Inclusivity and Widening Participation Working Group
6 June 2022
June is DIWP Role Models month!
Who are DIWP?
We are the VN Diversity, Inclusivity & Widening Participation Working Group.
The group aims to enlist allies and role models to help drive change within the veterinary nursing profession through education, building awareness and offering aspiration to those from all backgrounds on a career in veterinary nursing. We will work with the RCVS Diversity and Inclusion Group (RCVS DIG) who launched their strategy earlier in 2021; and other allies and parties who are striving for the same goal. This will help to ensure that messages are consistent and that we are all working in alignment with finding solutions for widening participation into the profession.
Why Role Models?
We know that there is a lack of diversity within the VN profession, and we need to attract more people to the profession from different backgrounds and with a variety of experiences.
There are so many important reasons to diversify our workforce. This includes providing a broader range of perspectives into our work, strengthening teams, and ultimately benefitting the welfare of animals and the experience of their owners.
Representation is important because it helps more people know that they can open that first door. Visibility is important, because it provides the opportunity for change and growth – visibility is what opens the next door.
We want to share stories to inspire others into the profession and widen participation, as well as showing others in the VN profession that they are not alone – open-up conversations, address those challenges and change the culture of the veterinary profession.
Who are our Role Models?
- RVNs who have entered nursing from a challenging socio-economic background or entered the veterinary nursing profession as a second career, through a career change, or later in life.
- Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic RVNs
- Male RVNs
- RVNs suffering from chronic illness
- RVNs who have a disability
- RVNs with mental health challenges
- Neurodiverse RVNs or RVNs with learning needs
What has the DIWP Group done so far?
Gender Identity Bill of Rights (USA)
The VN Futures Diversity, Inclusivity and Widening Participation Group has agreed that we would like to support the Pride VMC gender identity bill of rights by adding our signatory.
Role Models Campaign
Running throughout June to champion our inspirational role models and give the space to share their stories and experiences.
VNFutures School Ambassadors
This group are aware of the role models campaign and DIWP and will ensure use of diverse imagery, case studies and career pathway demonstrations to provide that representation and visibility to support widening participation into the profession.
How can you get involved?
It is not too late to become a role model. Contact bvna@bvna.co.uk and express your interest in the campaign.
Share the stories, videos, podcasts – let them be heard, show our profession is accessible to all.