ABSTRACT: We all had play telephones’ when we were young, so answering a phone must be second nature – but have we drifted into some bad habits? Answering the phone too quickly is one of them. This article stresses the importance of the phone to the practice and looks at the sort of things you should have covered in a practice policy on phone handling. It provides practical tips and some thoughts on why you should not answer the phone in less than three rings.
Adrian ‘Mac’ Mackay BSc (Hons) DipM MCIM PCertM MCMI CMgr MBA
Adrian ‘Mac’ Mackay has run many successful client care courses for veterinary practices across the country and can help your practice achieve a competitive edge. He also co-authored the first and second editions of The Veterinary Receptionist, published in 2001 and 2009. He can be contacted at mac@daw.co.uk
Keywords: Feature, Phone, Times
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (08) • July 2013 • pp229-231
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